Boost your brand with sensory claims
Monday 18, 16:00h - 16:45h
| Hall 5 | The Alimentaria Hub – Innoval Room by CaixaBank
18-03-2024 16:00
18-03-2024 16:45
Boost your brand with sensory claims
Brands have a responsibility to their consumers to prove the fairness and truthfulness of any product claim. We will introduce you SAM ClaimSENSE which: - gives examples and inspiration for creating sensory claims - guides users through the different test designs for each type of claim - highlights the differences between building your claim inside and outside the USA
Hall 5 | The Alimentaria Hub – Innoval Room by CaixaBankBrands have a responsibility to their consumers to prove the fairness and truthfulness of any product claim. We will introduce you SAM ClaimSENSE which: - gives examples and inspiration for creating sensory claims - guides users through the different test designs for each type of claim - highlights the differences between building your claim inside and outside the USA