Graphic material
Download all the graphic material of the trade show: logo, poster or banners.
Social media material
Ready-to-use templates
We offer you different templates in two basic formats to publish in social networks: 1080x1080px and 1080x1920px.

Format: Adobe Illustrator and PWP
Customizable templates
We also give you the possibility to use these customizable templates and share your booth number on social networks.

Format: Adobe Illustrator and PWP
Guía gráfica
Corporate colours
C:76 M:11 Y:23 K:0
Pantone 320
R:0 G:61 B:65
C:60 M:60 Y:60 K:100
Pantone Black C
R:0 G:0 B:0
C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:00
R:0 G:0 B:0