
Blanca Torrent

First Deputy Mayor and Delegate of Finance, Economy and Employment. President of the Municipal Institute of Economic Development and Employment of Córdoba (IMDEEC) and General Director of Aceitunas Torrent | Ayuntamiento de Córdoba
Blanca Torrent


Compagina su formación académica con ser la 1ª Teniente de Alcalde del Ayuntamiento de Córdoba y Delegada de Hacienda, Economía y Empleo, Presidenta del IMDEEC junto con la Dirección General de Aceitunas Torrent.


Presentation | The Horeca Hub

Córdoba and the agri-food sector. Present and future.

Blanca Torrent
Blanca Torrent Ayuntamiento de Córdoba First Deputy Mayor and Delegate of Finance, Economy and Employment. President of the Municipal Institute of Economic Development and Employment of Córdoba (IMDEEC) and General Director of Aceitunas Torrent Speaker
Felipe Molina Pérez
Felipe Molina Pérez Asociación Nacional de Ganaderos y Ganaderas en Extensivo President Speaker

19-03-2024 11:00 19-03-2024 11:45 Europe/Madrid Córdoba and the agri-food sector. Present and future.

From Córdoba City Council we want to show our solid commitment to the agri-food sector. To this end, we will present in this event the First National Congress Principle, Values and Future of Extensive Livestock Farming, which will be held in Córdoba this coming April 26 and 27, as well as announce "SOLUM Córdoba", a new project that marks a turning point. and a later within the sector.

Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 1
Tue 19 11:00h - 11:45h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 1