
Track: Business, Management and Operations

Mon 18
Conference | The Horeca Hub

The average bill in the restaurant industry. How has inflation affected it?

Xavier Mallol
Xavier Mallol Delectatech CEO and Founder Speaker

12:00h - 12:45h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 2
Presentation | The Horeca Hub

How to leverage Revenue Management to enhance your restaurant’s profitability

Joan Muñoz
Joan Muñoz TheFork Sales Director of Spain Speaker
Eduard Botello
Eduard Botello Hotel Almanac Bar Manager Speaker

13:00h - 13:45h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 1
Round Table | The Alimentaria Hub

Presentation of the open access plant for pre-industrial scaling of alternative protein + needs of the plant-based sector: Dialogue with the industry

Miquel Puig Raposo
Miquel Puig Raposo Departament d’Economia i Hisenda. Generalitat de Catalunya Secretary for Economic Affairs and European Funds Speaker
Oriol Alcoba Malaspina
Oriol Alcoba Malaspina Departament d’Empresa i Treball. Generalitat de Catalunya Director-General for Industry Speaker
Jaume Sió Torres
Jaume Sió Torres Departament d’Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural. Generalitat de Catalunya Head of the Technical Cabinet Speaker
Joan Talarn Gilabert
Joan Talarn Gilabert Diputació de Lleida President Speaker
Javier Vázquez Salleras
Javier Vázquez Salleras Roca Junyent Partner Speaker
Víctor Falguera Pascual
Víctor Falguera Pascual Hub de la Bioeconomia de Catalunya [BioHubCat] General Coordinator Speaker
Jorge López Atienza
Jorge López Atienza Zyrcular Foods COO Speaker
Jaume Planella Busquets
Jaume Planella Busquets Noel Alimentaria RDi Director Speaker
Israel Mendo
Israel Mendo Sojasun Key Account Manager Speaker
Vicente Domingo
Vicente Domingo Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Alimentos y Bebidas Vegetales President Speaker
Oscar Serra Pifarré
Oscar Serra Pifarré INGAL Ingeniería y Consulting Technical Director Speaker
María Cuairán Calvo
María Cuairán Calvo SANYGRAN Marketing & Business Development Director Speaker

15:00h - 16:30h Hall 5 | The Alimentaria Hub – Conference Room by Acciona
Conference | The Alimentaria Hub

Innovación by Opromar

Rafa Durán
Rafa Durán Presenter -Animator Speaker
Francisco Teijera González
Francisco Teijera González Opromar Assistant Secretary Speaker

15:30h - 16:30h Hall 5 | The Alimentaria Hub – Agora by Aecoc
Round Table | The Horeca Hub

A taste of the Cruise industry by Alimentaria & Hostelco

Carla Guilbaud
Carla Guilbaud CLIA Internacional Vice-President Speaker
Anthony Mauboussin
Anthony Mauboussin CFC Cruise Culinary Advisor Speaker
Pablo Vilanova
Pablo Vilanova Mercabarna General Director Speaker
Alexis Bourgault
Alexis Bourgault Welbilt Marine Global Director of Strategic Accounts Speaker
Alfredo Serrano
Alfredo Serrano CLIA National Director Spain Speaker

16:15h - 17:15h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 2
Tue 19
Presentation | The Horeca Hub

Beyond the dish: What’s happening in foodservice? Four visions, one consumer

Maria Castroviejo
Maria Castroviejo Research Food and Agribusiness de Rabobank Analyst Senior Speaker
Marta Munné Picart
Marta Munné Picart Aecoc ShopperView Studies Manager Speaker
Mariona Gaspà Suriol
Mariona Gaspà Suriol Aecoc Foodservice Knowledge Foodservice Knowledge Speaker
Antonina Degler
Antonina Degler Aecoc Foodservice Knowledge Project Manager Speaker

11:00h - 12:45h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Main Stage
Conference | The Horeca Hub

Experiences in the dining room that boost your business

Diego Olmedilla
Diego Olmedilla Aplus Gastromarketing y FACYRE CEO Speaker

12:00h - 12:45h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 1
Conference | The Horeca Hub

Cuba, a market of opportunities

Atenea Chevillotte
Atenea Chevillotte Fira Barcelona International Event Director Moderador/Presentador
Emerio González
Emerio González Grupo Empresarial de la Industria Alimentaria de Cuba President Speaker
Ivonne Grass Delgado
Ivonne Grass Delgado ITH - Empresa Importadora para Ministerio de Turismo de Cuba Director Speaker

15:00h - 15:45h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 1
Wed 20
Round Table | The Horeca Hub

Imagine foodservice. Welcome

Adriana Bonezzi
Adriana Bonezzi Marcas de Restauración Director General Speaker
Carlos Pérez Tenorio
Carlos Pérez Tenorio Marcas de Restauración; Restalia Member of the Board; Strategy and IR Director Speaker
Josep Maria Vallsmadella
Josep Maria Vallsmadella Marcas de Restauración, Grupo Ibersol Member of the Board; Director of Strategic Marketing Speaker

10:30h - 13:30h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 2
Presentation | The Horeca Hub

Welcome. Foodservice Consultants Society International Programme

Frank Wagner
Frank Wagner FCSI EAME President Speaker

10:35h - 10:45h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 1
Round Table | The Horeca Hub

Global trends: Opportunities, challenges and change in foodservice

Marta Cebrián López
Marta Cebrián López MCL Food Consulting Director, Management and Operations Consultant Speaker
Miguel Chilleron
Miguel Chilleron Livit Design Director Speaker
Fabio de Vero
Fabio de Vero FDV Founder Speaker
Frank Wagner
Frank Wagner FCSI EAME President Speaker

10:45h - 11:30h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 1
Conference | The Horeca Hub

Imagine foodservice. Current and future consumer in Foodservice

Javier Sanchez
Javier Sanchez Kantar Worldpanel Global Business Development Director, OOH&Usage Speaker

11:00h - 11:25h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 2
Conference | The Horeca Hub

Imagine foodservice.How to motivate/retain the next generation in Hospitality

Sven Sallaerts
Sven Sallaerts Younique Concepts Founder and Owner Speaker

11:30h - 11:55h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 2
Presentation | The Horeca Hub

Artificial intelligence and the world of foodservice

Ferran Fisas
Ferran Fisas Culinary Institute of Barcelona President Speaker

11:30h - 12:00h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 1
Conference | The Alimentaria Hub

XIV International Mediterranean Diet Conference Opening Conference

Fernando Rodríguez Artalejo
Fernando Rodríguez Artalejo Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Preventive Medicine and Public Health Speaker

11:30h - 12:00h Hall 5 | The Alimentaria Hub – Auditorio by Carreras
Round Table | The Horeca Hub

Imagine foodservice. Market outlook and future strategies

Borja Hernández de Alba
Borja Hernández de Alba Marcas de Restauración; RBI President; General Director Speaker
Luis Comas
Luis Comas Amrest CEO Speaker

12:00h - 12:35h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 2
Round Table | The Horeca Hub

Energy, the environment and foodservice

Julian Edwards
Julian Edwards FCSI UK & Ireland President Speaker
Santiago Llinares Moreno
Santiago Llinares Moreno Fundación de Restaurantes Sostenibles Manager Speaker
Dario Mulet Snowdon
Dario Mulet Snowdon Meiko Clean Solutions Ibérica General Director Speaker
Frank Wagner
Frank Wagner FCSI EAME President Speaker

12:00h - 12:30h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 1
Presentation | The Horeca Hub

Promoting employee wellbeing

Gala Macaya
Gala Macaya Grupo Nomo HR Director Speaker

12:30h - 13:00h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 1
Conference | The Horeca Hub

Imagine foodservice. Europe’s top 99 restaurant operators

12:40h - 13:05h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 2
Round Table | The Horeca Hub

Wellbeing, putting people at the centre of an operation

Marcelo Castiglioni
Marcelo Castiglioni Halton Regional Sales Manager South Europe Speaker
Gala Macaya
Gala Macaya Grupo Nomo HR Director Speaker
Jürg Luginbühl
Jürg Luginbühl Flückiger Food Systems Partner Speaker

13:00h - 13:30h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 1
Conference | The Horeca Hub

Imagine foodservice. Closing

13:10h - 13:40h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 2
Round Table | The Horeca Hub

Women leaders in foodservice

Meghan Daro
Meghan Daro The Middleby Corporation Vice President, Consultants Services Speaker
Sofia Gustafsson
Sofia Gustafsson Formatsal / FCSI Nordics Creative Restaurant Consultant / President Speaker
Marta Morales
Marta Morales Batea Socia y Directora de Front-of-House Speaker

14:00h - 14:45h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 1
Presentation | The Horeca Hub

Incorporating disabled workers into hospitality

Roger Obeid
Roger Obeid FCSI Designer and University Lecturer Speaker

14:45h - 15:15h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 1
Contest | The Horeca Hub

FCSI EAME Student Competition: The results

15:30h - 16:30h Hall 6 | The Horeca Hub – Talks Stage 1