
Mani Alam

Copropietario | Antonias Burger, The fish & Chips Shop, Baby Jalebi, Achaar Bar
Mani Alam


Mesa Redonda | Coffee, Bakery and Pastry

Expansión en el café de especialidad

Andre Oliveira Barretto
Andre Oliveira Barretto Coffee XP Q-Arabica Grader y Authorized SCA Trainer Speaker
Rafael Motta
Rafael Motta Coffee XP Oatly’s Barista Strategy Team Lead Southern Europe Speaker
Egor Kolpakov
Egor Kolpakov W11 capital s.r.o Entrepreneur Speaker
Michael Peter Uhlig
Michael Peter Uhlig D’Origen Coffee Roasters Fundador Speaker
Mani Alam
Mani Alam Antonias Burger, The fish & Chips Shop, Baby Jalebi, Achaar Bar Copropietario Speaker

19-03-2024 11:30 19-03-2024 12:15 Europe/Madrid Expansión en el café de especialidad

Mesa redonda sobre como expandir tu negocio de café de especialidad

Hall 7 | Coffee, Bakery and Pastry, Taste and Talks
Mar 19 11:30h - 12:15h Hall 7 | Coffee, Bakery and Pastry, Taste and Talks